Aodh Ó Riagáin is an Irish, queer artist. A graduate of English Literature in University College Dublin, Aodh is based currently in Lisbon in Portugal.
Aodh Ó Riagáin is Oreganillo.
Aodh (/iː, eɪ/ EE, AY, Irish: [iː, eː], Scottish Gaelic: [ɯː]; Old Irish: Áed) is an Irish and Scottish Gaelic male given name, originally meaning "fire".
The family name O'Regan is an Anglicized form of the Irish surname Ó Riagáin, from Ua Riagáin. The meaning is likely to have originated in ancient Gaelic ri "sovereign, king" and the diminutive suffix -in; thus "the king's child" or "big king".
Oreganillo. creates multimedia art, in the mediums of comics, illustration, graphic design, animation, film and more.